Praise For the Voices of the Silenced

For all the women who speak up
against their rapists,
and those who are too afraid to.

Because some judge, or politician,
always favors the attacker,
and not the victim

For all people of color who fight
against the injustice being done to them,
and those who are no longer here to speak for themselves.

Because of their skin color,
or the way they talk,
they are othered by polite (white) society.

For the Muslim next door,
afraid to worship in Mosque,
for fear of the rabid Trump supporter.

Because Trump said that we
need “...surveillance of certain mosques,”
and a “...database” or “watch list.” 11/21/2015

For the Jews afraid to go to Temple
afraid of the white supremacist
who posted on Twitter his next target.

Because for them,
the holocaust is a hoax,
and Hitler was a really good guy.

For the Atheist who offers comfort
to the victims of religious persecution
afraid to tell them he doesn’t believe.

Because only those who believe
in the fairy tale of God,
could ever be righteous and good.

For the American who believes in freedom of religion,
and knows it to mean freedom from religion as well,
who doesn’t care one way or the other.

Because what does religion have to do
with anything, and why is it used to
justify all the wrong in the world?

For the children afraid to go to school,
who show their mommies and daddies
how good they are at hiding.

Because your guns are more important
than the life you said was more
important than a woman’s choice?

In the garden of good and evil
lies the tree of knowledge.
God forbade Adam and Eve
to eat of the fruit.

Without Eve,
there would be no knowledge.
Because of Adam,
women are persecuted and silenced.


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